

We can remain the same person with different personalities taking control and guiding the day, sometimes guiding a whole life in guises that aren’t comfortable, just available. But what really is under our control?  An already planned experience is no experience at all.

Maybe a higher power doesn’t entirely control things either. If there is a force behind creation, isn’t there an element of creating that is a lack of control? When the sperm joins with the egg, it is release that creates their union in the first place.

There are doors and you have to decide if you will open them. You don’t know what is behind one even if you have entered through it before nor do you know if your hand will ever reach the doorknob.

The wind blows a scent and if you tilt your head in its direction you might smell it fully. That is where things are both under control and not. The wind and scent you don’t have control over, but you are free to move towards them if you choose. You can focus your attention and bring desires to life, but thankfully nothing will ever turn out as you thought.

(The photo shows Shiva dancing. In Hindu mythology, it is said that when Shiva puts his foot down the world will end.)

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